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Medical ambulance stretcher damping device

Currently, most medical ambulance stretcher is directly connected to the vehicle, the vehicle in the process of moving up and down the bumps and the car starts braking, acceleration and deceleration produced direct effect by ambulance to the patient, to patients, especially cardiovascular disease, fractures trauma patients or patients suffering caused, and bring all sorts of insecurity.

Medical ambulance stretcher damping device for a vehicle chassis have bumps and the pitch of the input vibration damping device designed two degrees of freedom. The device uses a pneumatic control system, using a gas stream elasticity and viscous friction damping of mechanical vibration amplitude attenuation principle to obtain smooth and comfortable travel effect, thereby greatly reducing the unbearable suffering of critically ill patients, to patient safety and life to more security . The device is applicable to patients of different weight, allowing a variety of road vehicles on the road in the exercise of a variety of speed, and the vehicle speed, the higher the better the effect of different amplitude and frequency of vibration have good results.

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